The Road to Your Writing Routine: Tips from Ginny McSheehan

The Road to Your Writing Routine: Tips from Ginny McSheehan

Find a time that works for you. 

  • This time should be when you are available and when you feel the most creative.

  • This is YOUR time, hoard it like a dragon!

  • Use the time not just for the nitty gritty, but for things that make you feel good and WANT to show up.

  • Try self care routines, meditation, spiritual practices (if applicable) and pleasure reading.

Set up a space that works for you.

  • Know what kind of space makes you comfortable and keep it like this. 

  • Decorate it with things that spark joy. 

  • Suggestions include artwork, favorite books, and affirmations.

  • Can be big or small as long as it is yours.

Set achievable and attainable goals. 

  • Base your goal on your personal needs and life schedule

  • Do what will make you feel successful.

  • Track your goal in a way that motivates you.

  • Some suggestions include sticker charts, bullet journals, and marking to-do lists. 

Have techniques for Writer’s Block on hand.

  • When you feel blocked, instead of skipping your routine, try a technique instead.

  • Suggestions include writers sprints, free flow idea generation, and tarot/oracle cards for prompts.

  • Sometimes the solution for a block is a break. Try mindfulness and give it time. 

Happy Writing!